OOP composition - the “has a…” feature

2 minute read

This note is about composition usage tips and tricks on the app.

the app is written in java 20 and on this note we are going to tackle a few places where OOP techniques were used.

I will not define oop. For a formal definition and discussion here I leave the wikipedia entry for OOP

each OOP section will tackle some OOP feature present in the app.

composition is straightforward in java. It’s “just” combining various objects to create a compound one.

simplest example:

we’ve already seen a REST resource in OOP - inheritance note.

public class SeniorityResource extends BasicCatalogResource<SeniorityDto, SeniorityEntity> {

    private final SeniorityService seniorityService;

    public SeniorityResource(final SeniorityService seniorityService) {
        this.seniorityService = seniorityService;


the SeniorityResource has a SeniorityService.
we created the rest resource by “combining” just a single object in this simple example.

regular example:

probably better examples are our dtos. let’s check the following one:

public class CardSimpleDto extends BaseRecordDto {

    private       Boolean           isCompleted;
    private       LocalDateTime     dueDate;
    private       LocalDateTime     updatedAt;
    private       Long              position;
    private       UUID              boardId;
    private       UUID              boardColumnId;
    private       UUID              cardDifficultyId;
    private       UUID              cardStatusId;
    private       UUID              cardTypeId;
    private final Set<CardLabelDto> labels = new ArrayList<>();

    // constructor omitted


this dto is the sum of many Objects and even a collection of Objects. The CardSimpleDto is a combination of all it’s constituents.

it has a due date
it has a position
it has a collection of labels

on composition

compared to inheritance or polymorphism, composition feels like the innocent feature of the family. It is true that it’s less daunting that the others but when you are composing objects, you are bringing to your data type everything from the objects you add to it. When working with certain frameworks like hibernate or jackson composition has to be handled with some care.

let’s see.

on BMC_Anvil, each entity has a UserEntity that acts as the creator. Even a UserEntity has a creator itself.
when you create a CardEntity for example, that CardEntity has a UserEntity field named createdBy, and also many other fields such as CardTypeEntity or StatusEntity who themselves have their own createdBy field.
In addition, a card also has a set of watchers and a set of assignees, which… you guessed correctly… are also UserEntities.

a UserEntity itself has a sets of cards assigned to it, sets of labels created by it etc…

this can generate cyclic references that will stack overflow jackson when trying to generate a json from a given Object.

we will dive more into this topic when digging into hibernate as bidirectional associations are usually the recommended approach, which can be the source of a few headaches.
